The first observation satellite already in space
Wroclaw-based company SatRevolution has successfully sent into orbit the first Polish observation satellite. The plan is to build an entire constellation of more than a thousand devices imaging the Earth in real time. The company also announced a crowdfunding collection on the Crowdway platform.pl, supporting investment in technology development. The goal of the campaign is to raise up to PLN 4.1 million.
On April 24, a press conference was held in connection with the launch of the first Polish observation satellite Swiatowid – constructed by an engineeróThe company has announced the construction of a whole constellation of satellitesóSatRevolution. The founders talked about the history of the company, whichóra on the market since 2016, about its dynamic development and plans for the coming years. SatRevolution's key project is the creation of Poland's first nanosatellite constellationóat REC – imaging the Earth in real time.
As planned, on April 17 from NASA's Wallops Island facility in the US, at. 22:46 Polish time, Swiatowid was launched into orbit. – This is our demonstration technology. To send the Svyatovid into orbit our compositeół had to overcome a road full of prób and errorów – learn what solutions work, how to maximize our technologies. Just sending Swiatowid into orbit was proof that we can design, build and send nanosatellites into space – says Grzegorz Zwolinski, CEO of SatRevolution.
With Swiatowid flew into orbit róAlso KRAKsat, a satellite-experiment, using ferrofluid (magnetic liquid) to control its position, created thanks to the coóhe cooperation of AGH, UJ and spóSatRevolution's head office. The Cygnus NG-11 space vehicle, in którym satellites, moored to the International Space Station on April 19. The spacecraft, after detaching from the Station, will orbit for another 7 months to test new technologies and structural strength for longer missions, whichóre in the future will be able to provide supplies for space stations farther from Earth, such as the planned Gateway station, whichóra will be located near the moon.
As part of a crowdfunding campaign spóSatRevolution company wants to acquire from investorsóin the amount of up to PLN 4.1 million. The funds raised will be used to developój of the ScopeSat satellite and the DeploScope fold-out optical instrument built into the device.
– SatRevolution has so far financed its R&D activities primarily with funds from theów own and grants. Now that the Swiatowid has been sent into space, we are looking even more boldly at the stars… and into the future, which is why we decided to invite an investor to participate in our venture as wellów. It was calculated that every PLN investedówka in the space business pays off 7 times. At the latest within a month we will be able to reveal more detailsółóin a proposal to invest in our business – Grzegorz Zwolinski said.
The company informed róAlso about the signing of another letter of intent – this time wspóhe SatRevolution collaboration is interested in spóVirgin Orbit, part of the Virgin Group, which provides launch services for small satellitesów. Letters of intent to use satellite data from the REC constellation were signed earlier: UNITAR – UN Institute for Research and Training and the City of Wroclaw.