January 10, 2025

Have algorithms taken control of our lives? "TechSpo'18: the power of algorithms?" kicks off already on Thursday

Are algorithms taking over everyday life? How does it affect the life of the average person? When we have lost control of our own actions? These are just some of the questions that will be answered by the participants of the 2nd National Interdisciplinary Conference TechSpo'18: The Power of Algorithms?, which will be held on September 20 and 21 at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland.

The TechSpo initiative is an interdisciplinary forum organized by the Faculty of Humanities at AGH to meet and discuss the most important phenomena happening at the intersection of technology and society:

  • algorithmization,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • designing the interfaceóin and interaction with technology,
  • virtual and hybrid reality,
  • The role of machines in the creation of culture.

– We assume that the complexity and dynamics of the world is a fascinating cognitive challenge, whichóre requires out-of-the-box analysis and looking from multiple perspectives. We are interested in wspómodern world and society, and the problems thatóre affecting its shape. We explore new technologies, whichór which we use every day and whichóre changing the wayób, how we communicate or work. Therefore, in order to bring these two worlds together and show that they are complementary, we created the TechSpo conference. So we invite you to formulate bold diagnoses, recommendations and ideas that are well grounded in the latest research,” define the concept of the event its organizers.

In this year’s program, the TechSpo’18 is scheduled for 70 scientific presentationsów, researchers, practitionersów, business people and activistów, including 2 panel discussions, 4 plenary presentations and 6 workshopsóIn practical.

Integral to TechSpo is also an exhibition space of practical solutions from companies and teamsów scientific. Participants will be able to test 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies, experience tactile sensations shapeów generated by ultrasound, immerse themselves in virtual reality, talk to a chatbot and emotionally robotic.

During the workshopów practical will be able to learn how to design interfaces and robots, analyze data – zarówno te of medióin social media, as well as for user experience, or to create innovations by design thinking.